Sunday, May 15, 2011

High fives all around

I would like to take this time to shamelessly brag about my husband's recent successes, of which there are numerous. I am so proud of that guy. So now all ya'll can be proud of him too.

1. Homebody is kicking some pilot training booty right now. He did great on his big check rides and he's been a pretty happy camper lately. He starts formation flying tomorrow, which might throw him quite a curveball, but for now, he is doing well and loving life. Even when he is not doing so hot, he still has such a great attitude and work ethic. And even with all of his business, he always finds time to beat me at all Wii games (except Mario) and take the trash out. :)

2. Look at my herb garden! 

The herb garden that we Cary planted all by himself is growing beautifully! We have sooo much basil and cilantro. It is heavenly. The other herbs are also slowly coming around, but not with quite as much vigor as these two. I'm going to whip up some pesto this week and it's going to be super delicious up in here.

3. Look at this dinner he made me yesterday!
It was so insanely delicious. Sweet and spicy grilled pork chops, caramelized grilled pineapple, and grilled asparagus and zucchini. It was amazing. Having a grill master for a husband is really great.

I am a lucky duck.

Also. It is worse than I feared. I can't even pick out my own khakis for my new job. I have to wear the assigned ones they give me. I may die.


  1. Assigned khakis sounds like the worst thing ever. Can't you go find a new pair? Also, glad Cary is feeling better about UPT! That is always nice!

  2. hahahaha, that khaki story is terrible! i feel bad for you =) also, i love grilling husbands. winner.
